The future of banking

Partner program

A free Partner Program

The free Woohoo Partner Program allows companies and associations to offer a branded or co-branded experience to their customers, members, or clients.  It’s a unique program where the daily use of the mobile app and associated credit card by a partner’s constituents provides a mechanism for continuous marketing and an additional revenue stream.

Benefits to the consumer

No Fees

The Woohoo program not only provides reduced fee banking services to the consumer, but also allows that consumer to generate up to $250 a month supplemental income.


Consumers who spend more than $400 a month on their partner branded card, are also automatically entered into the sweepstakes draw giving them the opportunity to take home additional cash each month.


The benefits of Woohoo incent the partner consumer to use the product daily to pay for the things they pay for today without incurring additional expenditure.

Partner Revenue Oportunity

For every transaction made by the partner consumers, Woohoo pays the partner a percentage of that transaction. The more consumers a partner has, the more revenue the partner generates. There are no fees to become a partner, simply contact Woohoo today to get started generating additional revenue.

Partner Co-Branding

The Woohoo program allows partners to brand the Woohoo application as though it were their own. When consumers log into the mobile app, or use their card for purchases, they’re presented with a partner branded experience keeping the partner front of mind on a daily basis.

Partner Co-Branding

The Woohoo program allows partners to brand the Woohoo application as though it were their own. When consumers log into the mobile app, or use their card for purchases, they’re presented with a partner branded experience keeping the partner front of mind on a daily basis.

Link your own
Rewards progam

Partners can link their own rewards program to the use of the partner consumer card. Whether it’s in-store discounts, access to partner benefits and services or simply offering cash back to the consumer, partners have the option to enhance consumer loyalty.

A Hassle-Free Experience

Woohoo handles all the consumer onboarding and support allowing partners to enjoy the benefits of the program without the hassle.

A Hassle-Free Experience

Woohoo handles all the consumer onboarding and support allowing partners to enjoy the benefits of the program without the hassle.